Difference Between Tarawih And Tahajjud



Could you provide an explanation on how Taraweeh and Tahajjud differ in Ramadan? I often hear that Taraweeh replaces Tahajjud and its the same prayer etc.


Tarāwīh and tahajjud prayers are distinct. Tahajjud is observed throughout the year, prayed in the latter part of the night after sleeping, while tarāwīh is exclusive to Ramadān, performed immediately after ‘īshā.

Tarāwīh does not replace tahajjud in Ramadān, contrary to what some people think. This view is not upheld by any of the four schools. It is only held by those who do not follow any specific school in their aim to advocate for tarāwīh as 8 rak’āts.

The distinction is evident in hadīth collections and the practices of the ummah. Ibn Hajar in Fath al-Bārī mentions Imam al-Bukhārī’s practice of performing tarāwīh in Ramadān followed by tahajjud at suhūr time where he would complete another Qur’ān every three days (1/481).

والله تعالى أعلم
And Allāh Knows Best

Muhammad Kalim Misbahi

Muhammad Kalim Misbahi
Muhammad Kalim Misbahi

Muhammad Kalim, the founder of Fawatih, has pursued over a decade of traditional Islamic education, eventually specialising in Hanafi fiqh (jurisprudence).

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